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Restaurant Samia Kokkari Samos

In our restaurant we produce ourselves a lot of the materials we serve in our dishes,


such as olive oil, wine and vegetables. Also the meat


and the fish we use, is from our local production.


Restaurant Kokkari Samos, Traditional Restaurant Samos, Greek Cuisine Samos.



All reviews are real and you can see more in our tripadvisor entry here.


Restaurant Samia

Kokkari, Samos, Greece

+30 22730 92069

+30 6944 343267

About us

In our restaurant we produce ourselves a lot of the materials we serve in our dishes, such as olive oil, wine and vegetables. Also the meat and the fish we use, is from our local production.

Restaurant Kokkari Samos, Traditional Restaurant Samos, Greek Cuisine Samos.

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